
Learn how to cut hair by yourself--Cut hair skill

Learning how to cut hair on your own is a great way to save some extra money. With today’s economy and ever-increasing gas prices, cutting your own hair can cut down on traveling to a stylist and add extra money to your budget each month. If done right, cutting your own hair can be easy, allowing you to experiment with different looks and styles. If you know how to cut hair, you can be a great help to your family and your budget. Follow these tips to ensure a healthy appearance in between salon visits.

Gather Your Tools

You will need haircutting scissors, a spray bottle of water, a comb, a towel or cape, and salon-style clips.

Sharp scissors are important for cutting hair and making it look healthy. The type or length of scissors that you use does not matter as much as their sharpness. To make sure they are sharp, you can see if the blade will slice a piece of thread with ease. Hold the thread so it dangles in mid-air and then swipe the blade of the scissors through it. If the blade slices the thread, they are sharp enough to cut your hair. If, however, the blade pulls on the thread before cutting it, you might want to consider sharpening the blade in order to get the smoothest cut possible. Sharp scissors also help you avoid pulling your hair as you cut it.

Watch Your Back

In addition to a great pair of scissors, another useful piece of equipment to have is a handheld mirror. Use the mirror to look at the back of your head as you are cutting the hair.

With your back to your bathroom mirror (or whichever mounted mirror you choose to utilize), hold the small handheld mirror in front of you. This will give you a great view of the back of your head, but it might still be difficult to cut your hair with one hand. If you can mount the small mirror somewhere, that would be ideal. A mirror on a stand is also a good idea.

Consider learning to cut the back of your hair by feel, without looking at it. Slide your hair through your index and middle fingers to judge length. Use the mirror to see your progress. When you begin cutting your child’s hair, letting him hold the mirror will keep him occupied and still for a longer period.

Learn By Watching
If you have been contemplating cutting your own hair for some time, begin watching how your stylist cuts your hair. Notice how she combs it before cutting it or any other techniques used to get the look that you desire. If you explain your situation to your stylist, she might even be nice enough to give you some extra hints about how to cut hair by yourself.

Prepare the Hair
Before you begin the haircut, be sure to wash first and then blow dry lightly, just to rid the hair of tangles. Hair should be damp, not extremely wet, for best results when cutting. If the hair starts to dry out before you are finished, dampen it with a spray bottle of water.

Start with Small Cuts

If you are a beginner at cutting hair, try not to cut too much length at one time. Cut 1/8 inch at the most from the overall length. You can always cut more hair off if you need to, but especially when just starting, less is more.

Curly Hair Suggestions
If you are trying to cut curly hair yourself, be sure to leave extra length. Curly hair tends to shorten once it dries because it curls up. When it is wet, however, it looks much longer because the water weighs it down and straightens it out. Be sure to cut smaller sections than you would with straight hair. Curly hair is often thicker and the cut might not be as smooth if you try to slice a large chunk at one time.

Cutting Hair for your Family

You may want to try cutting your older kids’ or husband’s hair first before trying your own. Curly heads are easier to start with because the curls hide small mistakes. Give your children something to do while you cut their hair that will motivate them to keep still for a long, long time. Take your time, and give them a reward for sitting still so you could learn. The blunt cut and layered cut are the two easiest haircuts to start with.

The Blunt Cut
Start by sectioning damp hair into four sections. Draw a horizontal part through the hair from just behind the tip of the ear to the other side of the head. The second part is drawn right down the middle from forehead to nape. Twist these sections and clip them to keep them out of your way.

Starting in the back, unclip one-inch horizontal layer of hair at a time, starting from the bottom. With the head level, make your first cut a bit longer than the agreed-upon length desired (since hair will shrink as it dries). Continue to cut straight across, holding the hair between the index and middle finger as you make small snips at a time.

Release the opposite section the same amount and cut it the same way, using the first cut length as your guide. Bring down the remaining hair in the back section, one inch at a time, and use the hair underneath as your guide. Do the same with the front sections, following the hair that has been cut as your guide.

When all of the hair has been cut, check for strays by bending the head forward until it nearly touches the chest. Comb the hair down and trim off strays to make an even line. Check the sides by bending the head to the opposite shoulder of the side you want to check. Comb hair several times to check for stray hairs.

Finish by trimming bangs, if necessary. Comb them straight down on the forehead, and then make a guide cut just above the eyebrow line. Hold sections of the bangs between your index and middle finger to cut straight across from the middle out to the sides.

The Layered Cut
A layered cut is actually a cut that is one length all over, measured from your scalp. It can vary from very short to past the shoulders, so this cut works for either men or women. Section your hair as described above. Determine the overall length by cutting at the front a little longer than desired. From there, cut the same amount from each section as you pull it away perpendicular to the head. Continue the process for each section. Always include a small section of previously cut hair as a guide to determine the length of the new cut. When you have completed cutting the whole head of hair, check to make sure it is even by gently pulling hair from both sides to the cheeks or jaw. Comb through to check for strays.

Bangs can be added to this cut as described in the blunt cut style above.

Cutting Your Own Hair

If you have recently learned how to cut hair, do not start with a fancy style. Simple styles are the best, especially if you are just a beginner. Ideally, cutting your own hair should involve nothing more than trimming any split ends and making everything a uniform length throughout.

Start with a Professional Cut
The easiest way to learn how to cut hair and make it look professional is to keep it trimmed after having it done by a stylist. At least you can visit your stylist four times a year for a fresh cut. Then, when your hair begins to grow, it will be easier to just trim the ends every few weeks or so.

If you are cutting your own hair, take your time. It is easy to make a mistake when cutting anybody’s hair, but it is even more likely to make a mistake when cutting your own hair. Be certain of the cuts you make and imagine what it will look like before you cut it. Remember, it takes a lot longer to grow it back than it does to cut it. Be ready to visit a salon for glaring mistakes the first few times.

Regardless of how talented or artistic you are, you might need some help. It is very difficult to cut the back of your own hair, no matter what length you have. You might think it is crazy to ask your spouse to help you with these areas, but it is no crazier than cutting it yourself. Your spouse, if he is willing, is an ideal helper because he cares about how you look, and he will probably take very conservative snips. Who knows, you may find that he makes a great hairstylist for your entire cut.

Use a Machine
If you are unsure about your own abilities, several companies produce machines that make cutting hair more convenient. The Flowbee, for instance, is one of the more popular hair-cutting machines on the market. This product even has a vacuum built in so there is virtually no clean up to do after you have cut your hair. It uses a mechanism that cuts hair evenly all over the head and then disposes of the excess after cutting. It also has different settings so you can enjoy a variety of styles.

If you can learn how to cut hair, you can potentially save your family hundreds of dollars in the course of a year. With a few inexpensive supplies and some practice sessions, you can make your hair look like a professional just finished styling it for you. When you get compliments, you can brag about the great stylist behind the blades (or Flowbee). If you are still looking for a way to save money on your monthly budget, cutting your hair and your family’s hair will save you more than you think.

