
Updo Hairstyle-Style a Bow Half

Hair bows are one of those hairstyles for long hair that tend to be quite polarizing: women either love the idea of sporting the look or they simply don't see themselves choosing the hair bow look. While the idea of a hair bow like the one Lady Gaga sported a while back can indeed be intimating for many women, when styled right, the hair bow can serve as a gorgeous accessory for women of different ages. There are some interesting variations that are cute without being over the top and a bow half updo hairstyle is one of the best examples.
Styling a bow half updo can also be intimidating at a first glance. However, hair bows are not necessarily something that have to be left in the hands of the pros. In fact, creating a bow half updo hairstyle is quite simple and it doesn't even require any hair styling products. Here's how to style this chic half updo:

Before starting, make sure to have a hair elastic, a hair barrette and six bobby pins within close reach.

Start by brushing your hair to eliminate any tangles or knots that might hinder the results. Then use your hands to grab a hair section on each side of the head, doing your best to make them as equal as possible. Depending on the effect you're looking for, you can adjust the thickness of the strands. The bigger the hair sections are, the bigger the bow will be.

The next step is to use a hair elastic to tie the two hair section without pulling the ends through the elastic, in order to create a loop. Next, divide the loop in two relatively equal sections so that two smaller loops are created.
Then, secure one loop with a barrette and use your fingers to give volume by spreading out the other section. Once you get the desired shape, insert two bobby pins underneath the hair section to secure your work. One bobby pin should be inserted from top to bottom while the other should be inserted in the opposite way - from bottom to top. Repeat the process on the other side to finish the bow shape.

Hiding the remaining hair and picking up ends of the ponytail chicly wrapping them around the elastic and securing them bobby pins underneath are the final touches of creating a stylish bow half updo.

Love hair,love life

